Wednesday, December 29, 2010

christmas in kenya....

Christmas Eve camel ride on the beach...
Christmas Day snake killing!? Black Mamba came out of the pool!!! And was promptly done in by the staff at the beach cottages where we were staying. Apparently this snake is the most poisonous in Africa. Wow. It was 6 feet long!!
Boxing Day...ant infestation. One of the boys we were with woke in the night to ants, millions of ants...covering his mosquito net, inside his mosquito net all over him, covering the floor, coming out of the sink. No apparent reason, just decided to march in....
The next day/night we were exploring to make sure the invasion wouldn't be repeated, this led to torching the trail...fireworks used to burn the biggest pile...lots of DOOM (the spray)...etc. So much entertainment! They still made their way back?! Boys weren't sleeping in the same room of course!
Trip home....crazy, arduous journey around trucks, goats, cows, people, speed bumps that are random and everywhere without any paint or warning, lots of passing and many potholes!
Just before leaving the coast we loaded John and Joe onto a "Simba" bus for a trip to Tanzania and Zanzibar for New Year's. At last report they are in a hostel in Zanzibar.


  1. Whoa! Just a little different than a typical Christmas at home. Love the picture of the Magi. And the description of the attempt to disrupt the ant trail. We just have a house full of family, which has it's own trials and joys, but nothing like a black mamba!

  2. HoLy MoLy! what a ChriStmas!! what's going to happen on NYE?? MonKeYS? you good humor about it all!

  3. Happy New Year Fishers!

    You've had amazing experiences! John and Joe look fabulous on camels. The ant and snake situations were unbelievable! Warren's post about Maria's miracle made me cry. Thank you for keeping us updated about your lives in Africa. You are courageous, generous, authentic people. We miss you. We pray for you and continually thank God for you.
