Today a friend from home wrote and told me that it has not reached 70 degrees in over 190 days in Seattle??!? Wow. That is a long time...and 70 is not even a great target in my opinion. This is not good.
The closer we get to returning home the more we anticipate and the more we think about what we might miss. I know for certain that I will miss the weather. Kijabe enjoys some of the most perfect weather in the world. It has to be. We have sunshine everyday, most of our rain comes at night, I rarely need a sweater, never need a coat, and I have worn out a few pairs of flip flops because that is all I wear. I need to get out of this perfect weather place because my skin is getting too much sun! What a problem...
The Kenyans don't experience it quite the same as we do?? Not sure how this works. This is considered the "rainy" season...and the slight change in temperature is classified as "cold". Even when it was dry and a bit hotter we often saw people wearing down sorts of coats and children bundled like they were about to head out into the snow for a few hours. Warren has often removed balaclava type of hats from children's heads wondering if they have sort of grown with the hat on??, as it seems the child must have been a different size when it was first applied!
So apparently there is a lot to experience and perception, even with regard to weather. I doubt that a year in the sunshine is going to help us with having a positive perception of weather in Seattle when we return. We will have to readjust.
As we begin to anticipate all that we will find easy to adjust to upon our return(John talks about his favorite eating spots a lot!), we also think about what we will miss here. I am still obsessed with the sky...every day, and acacia trees, and the color of the air itself...I recently read a description of the African sky..."Everything stands out, as though...a fourth dimension of space has overlain the world."
Hopefully the impact of these experiences and perceptions will color our return and our life from here forward. One of my first goals is to find paint as similar to acacia bark as possible and fill my upstairs with that color! Since it looks different in every light.....should be an interesting challenge.
Ali and friends have reported in from Morocco. Their adventures continue.
It's exciting to think about your return!! but enjoy every remaining day-- I'm sure there will be things to miss (and not miss) about Africa. What an adventure it has been!