Our Maasai friend, Samuel, brought his wife and baby to meet us tonight. They had just been to a staff banquet at the school, where he is a guard, so they were dressed in Western clothing. We had so much fun. Samuel is very interested in all things new and modern...He wanted a Facebook account. So...we set him up. He comes to our house to check his email once in awhile and I am sure it will be Facebook now! He said he knows two other Maasai with Facebook so he was trying to find them.
We took a few pictures to load onto his site...Quite a fun and funny project...
His wife speaks much less English, but she was obviously amused by the whole process.
I love your posts. 'love your new friends and your adventures. 'love John's TShirt. LoVe you guys!! ( I wear your bracelet everyday and think of you all.) Sending warm & friendly thoughts floating down the Rift Valley to you! =)